Iæknir of Golmore

Kæja of the Eryut


Name: Kæja Eryut
Pronunciation: Kye-uh Air-yout
Nameday: Twenty-seventh sun of the fifth astral moon, 1488 6th A.E.
Gender: Female
Race & Clan: Viera / Rava
Height & Weight: Six fulms, two ilms | One-hundred & thirty-two ponze
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Occupation: healer | painter
Combat profession: Conjurer
Disposition: neutral good | infp-t
Orientation: Demisexual


Kæja is of average height for her kin but, whether due to stress or malnourishment — or both — it is clear that the woman is dreadfully underweight. Her frame is willowy and thin, giving the already delicate Rava an even more fragile appearance.The Golmore sun has painted the flighty rava in warm, earthy skin and dark freckles that dot her cheeks and arms. her eyes are a soft hazel and often look melancholy and distant.

Kæja adorns herself with paints—most typically simple white paints but an occasional dash of color truly grabs the attention of any passerby. She often tucks herself into breathable clothing and offers only a glimpse at the curious paints that sometimes adorn her skin. When they are seen, they look to range from geometric symbols and curious images, to silhouettes of trees and flowers.

Soft-spoken, reclusive and introspective, Kæja is an old soul with very few turns to show for it. She is incredibly reticent about her affairs and keeps many of her thoughts to herself. While Kæja will never speak of it, there is certainly something in her past that has led to her finding little worth in friendships—and people—beyond what is absolutely necessary.The woman finds comfort in spending time with her closest sisters, feeling particularly anxious around figures of authority and even elder members of her family. Kæja would prefer to remain by her lonesome, enjoying the introspection that her solitude allows.


Quiet, reclusive, and timid, Kæja is not a striking and proud soul like many of her kin. She speaks in soft tones and often holds her gaze just a little below eye level. The woman values agreeable and friendly traits despite often coming across as flighty and dismissive herself.A traveler and incredibly conscious of that fact, she strives to uphold a certain level of politeness. Whether due to fear or anxiety, Kaeja does her best to keep the peace in any situation. If it cannot be kept, then she will often sneak away at the first chance.On the rare chance one can strike interest in her, Kaeja will smile easily and laugh even easier. The woman is no stranger to offering words of advice to family, friends, and even strangers.


  • books

  • arts | crafts

  • sunsets

  • vistas

  • music


  • conflict

  • opinionated people

  • violence

  • crowded areas

  • irreverence

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Artists — Kæja spends much of her time in front of a canvas or decorating herself (or others) in elaborate images. She also has an eye for those who feel similarly about painting, whether tribal or more modern styles. Even those who collect materials for paints and oils draw the otherwise reticent Viera's attention.Healer — Kæja spent much of her last few decades at home caring for her ailing mother, alongside others in her village that were in poor condition. Old habits die hard, and Kæja is prone to applying medicinal knowledge and some magical aid to those in need.Stories — Kæja, above all else, enjoys a good read. Anything from fictional literature to cultural philosophies can be found among the pile of books she has stashed away. A curator of stories or a fellow bookworm would easily pry a few words from the normally withdrawn Viera's lips.Magical studies — Or truly any magical user. Kæja excels in most aetherial fields with proper training, and always seems interested in studying the various applications of aether with a cautious curiosity. Maybe you are looking for a student, or even a mentor? She would be happy to pass along what she does know.Walk-up! — If I'm tagged as in-character, feel free to walk up! Kæja may flee, but she's polite enough to stay long enough to exchange brief pleasantries - usually.



"Every adventure story I have read pales in comparison to the tale of your life, sister. You are bold and you guard all those you hold dear; yours is the most fascinating story I will ever know. No painting could match the beauty of your heart. Mamma would be proud of you.I am proud of you sister."


"Confidence borders some amount of arrogance and yet you wear it as well as the silks that adorn your frame, sister. From behind the fortress of pride that your demeanor erects wherever you are, one might never get to know the princess within the walls of that castle—nor how she strives for tales of yore. Civilizations that laid out the road for us to walk upon with the same pride you hold in your step; an effect that you, too, shall lay upon our star. We shall all walk in the shadow of the knowledge you hold and we - those who are lucky enough to be close to you - will know that the princess has boundless wisdom of those who came before and how best to learn from them.I will learn from you, sister."


"Of vibrancy not even a palette could display, I have come to find you both invigorating and terrifying. You drag me to things I would never wish to do, and yet you remind me that our star would hold no paintings or books if we did not explore it ourselves.I love you sister."



"Persistence is not the proper word to describe you. You are resilience made manifest. I do not know from whence flows your strength but to see it carry you from one obstacle to the next and help you overcome each is inspiring. You are every bit the fighter you claim to be. I am lucky to call you friend."


"You are not a story. You are not a painting. You are the canvas upon which art is made—the pages upon which you recant stories to the reader. Your art is not to create but to recreate and inspire. I could only ever hope to gain the admiration you demand, and change the star in the way you already have."


"Your heart is a wealth of love in both its suffering and its affections. What songs you sing that fill our soul in your quiet confidence — never asking much but giving everything. If only more within our star would look to you for example, we should find less suffering for you to take on and more love to be given to you in return. You are a special soul, dear Naiya -- I pray you never change."


"How delicate you are, Loddie. A warm smile and bookish charm befits you far more than any I know. I understand myself better when I see you and pray that our star does not shift your heart. Hold dearly to it, my little farmer. Allow it to shower our star in the beams of light that make you who you are. I will help protect it to the best of my ability."


"Your charm rivals that of all the world's natural beauty. You carry stories of your past and hide them away in plain sight, never too proud to admit your mistakes. You are a comforting presence and, while I cannot always agree with your judgement in others, I would always treat any of them the way you do: with patience and understanding."